8 November 2011


Heavy gates shut, with a dull thud,
Closing off from the rest of the world,
A silent kingdom, unseen and unheard.
With passing time this empire crumbled.

A lone warrior, weary traversing paths,
Arrived by the closed gates that barr’d,
That nation of which he wished to belong.
He stood by the border beckoning them, unfurl!

For centuries closed, they opened ever slow,
Creaking and groaning reluctant to reveal.
 But a small foothold was all he needed,
He thrust his foot and blast them wide open.

Into this realm through fallen streets he strode,
And sought to rebuild it into his own.


  1. the darkening of the edges doesnt really work out for the effect you're looking for,

  2. It wasn't meant to suggest darkening, it was actually meant to portray lightening.
